The logo for the social media platform The Zoo, powered by Chewy.

The Zoo by Chewy

The Zoo (originally ZooPix) is a social media app that was acquired by Chewy in 2022. It’s kind of like Instagram, but just for pets! We have weekly themed photo Challenges, custom profiles for each of your pets, and fun interactions where you can “boop” your friends’ posts. It’s a super cute and quirky app that I have had the pleasure of working on for the past several years. At the height of our marketing push in 2023, we had around 5k daily active users on the app. My role at The Zoo spans many different responsibilities, from social media manager to event coordinator to moderator to designer.

Social Media Management and Content Creation

My primary role at The Zoo was to create and curate delightful pet content to share on our social media profiles. This includes Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and our profile on The Zoo itself.


I single-handedly moderated all content posted on The Zoo from April 2021 through early 2023, and then again through all of 2024. This includes taking down any posts that were not pet-focused, eliminating drama-starters, removing spammers, and disciplining users who violated our Community Guidelines.

Customer Service

Throughout my time at The Zoo, I have been responsible for responding to all emails, app reviews, and direct messages from users. I have done tech support, answered general questions about the app, and provided feedback and information related to updates and new features.

Design and QA Testing

Using the design program Figma and the project management platform Jira, I helped design essential updates to the app including our Challenges page and updates to pet profiles. I also coordinated with the engineers on requirements and helped test all new builds to eliminate bugs and provide feedback.

KPI Tracking and Reporting

Each week I was responsible for pulling key performance indicators from the platform to gauge community engagement and daily/weekly activity on the app. Our engineers created a custom dashboard compiling all relevant data from the app, and I used Confluence and Canva to generate weekly reports for our team.

Event Coordinator

Users in the app can submit ideas for fun little hashtag Challenge events. Previous iterations of the Challenges feature included banners/thumbnails custom designed by myself. Presently I am responsible for going through all event submissions, reaching out to users to confirm their events, and scheduling them through the tool our engineers created in our admin portal for the app.


Chewy Vet Care