Web Design
In college, I took several web design classes in addition to teaching myself how to use HTML and CSS. I made a couple different website designs for projects using templates that I then edited and customized.
Porter’s Fried Chicken
One of our class projects was to take a website that already existed and revamp it using a template of our choice. I chose the website for Porter’s Fried Chicken and used images from Yelp reviews, their Facebook page, and Google reviews to create a revamped website. Here are some screenshots of the completed website design.

The Hot Cocoa Company
Another class project was to create our own unique company and use a template of our choice to build a simple two-page website for them. I created The Hot Cocoa Company and designed a fun website showcasing their products. The small snowflakes in the screenshots would fall from the top of the screen as you scrolled the page.